
I'm not going to bore you with a life story, so I'll make it quick and relatively painless. I play guitar (duh), I work on computers as a hobby and as an occupation, I am in a relationship with someone, and I have three fish. I play a small variety of brands of musical equipment, being picky as I am. I generally use Marshall heads and cabinets, don't really care much for the combo amps. I will also play Ibanez amp heads over Marshall cabinets, though I don't own one at this time. I like to build my own custom guitar equipment, like entire amplifiers and I like to rig guitars to sound different than the rest - I'm constantly trying to keep from sounding like someone else. I play Ibanez or ESP guitars, with the occasional Epiphone or Gibson, though I'm not overly ecstatic about those two brands. I use effects as well, just like anyone else since the 1800's. I'm not going to tell you those though - because that's too much information. I don't like people who steal ideas from others. I do use a specific type of guitar cable as well, though that's a secret as well. I like to read, the subject being mainly history or science. I don't watch much television, and I don't really care for most people, because I'm just horrible like that. I believe that's deep enough prying for now though.......